This is for you if you have just walked through a experience that you feel has left you feeling impacted. You may be struggling to find inner peace and wish to re-connect with your higher self, the divine.

If you are feeling in need of healing, that you have gone through something recently and need to now let go so that the karmic trail of this experience cannot form, then this is for you.

In this beautiful, deeply spiritual, healing therapy the Universal energies are combined with crystal grid work and Angelic ray grid work, to clear negativity and bring peace into the heart, soul and mind across all dimensions of your I Am.

I work with the Angelic energy as well as quantum parallel lives work to clear the negativity not only from this lifetime but from past and parallel life times  to rebalance and reconnect the very cells of your being to lift you to your highest possible vibration right now.

Releasing the memory from the physical body so it can repair. Reconnecting you to the divine. Reconnecting you to the path of your highest purpose.

Your Investment:
Just £150 This is a two hour session and you will need to travel to my clinic for it. (SN4 9NB)

This is for you if … 
  • Despite years of personal development you are always being pulled back to old patterns. 
  • You have walked away from numerous mentally and emotionally abusive relationships.
  • You have been a lightworker for years but now the New World is asking for a new YOU!
  • The women in your family have had a history of poverty, abuse, lack.
  • You feel as if everything in your world is shifting.
  • You have or are struggling with addiction to love and acceptance.
  • Your family has generations of illness and disease.
  • You are aware of trauma in your family and know it holds you back.
  • You feel so separate, disconnected and alone in this world, even though you know you are part of the whole.
  • You are a healer and know that you need to shift in order for your work to shift.
Is it time to invest in your happiness too?