Are you struggling with Ascension symptoms? You were born here to be part of this mission. To clear the energy of up to twenty generations before you. Twenty generations of genetic MIASMA. To clear this energy out of your past, present and future lives. We came here to be part of the shift, part of the solution, the ascension process. We were born Empaths to enable us to be able to carry out this process, this transmuting of energy.

On this path we will start to feel blocked spiritually. As we are clearing and ascending and opening up to new layers and dimensions, our energy field struggles to surrender and let go. Blocked ascension energies can cause very strange problems, like spontaneous uncontrolled out of body experiences, uncontrolled spontaneous movements of physical objects, and the appearing and disappearing objects, uncontrolled healing ability, uncontrolled inner visions that disrupt the normal flow of our daily life.

What happens is this energy backs up and when it gets strong enough, it bursts through and over-energizes the 11th chakra, opening the gateway up to layer upon layer of what needs to be shifted, what needs to be cleared.

Clients come to me because they are struggling with their own energy field in spite of years of meditation, working as healers, lightworkers because they know something is not quite right, they are barely sleeping, and feel like something is blocking them, stopping them from achieving things in this world.

They feel disconnected because there is a need to let go of the old identity and the old world to fully step forward into the new.

Are these words resonating with you?

Let me help you.

This Ancestral healing, a form of Quantum Healing, will bring you fully into your own self awareness, it will help you gain clarity about who you are in this world, it will empower you to bring change into your world because you are no longer held back by negative energy, it will help you identify the new plan for your world. 

My mission is to shift and release the MIASMA DNA that is blocking you in one aspect of your world right now. This is the DNA you have inherited from your ancestors. This DNA represents trauma and appears as dead, black energy, forming blocks in your energy, your chakras and physical body. It is the patterns, that flow within our bloodline and our programming through our parental DNA lineage.

The work we do will also remove the implants and karmic energies of NAA and Fallen Angels. These are the false parallel worlds formed to bring negativity into the Earth. Releasing future generations, and yourself, from carrying this karmic trail forwards. 

We will release the contracts and agreements, vows, programming and templating in your karmic trail that no longer serve your highest good.


Emersion Days

Emersion Days are days where a group of women come together to experience the release of negative karmic and Ancestral energies by being immersed in healing energies to create a shift. 

Coming together to work on the release of one specific Miasma and the opening of the gateway to ascension, through this release. 


Friday 3rd December - 12noon - Sacral Miasma

On the 3rd December the energy of the New Moon and a powerful .Solar Eclipse bring in a destined opportunity to reset your life. To start a powerful new beginning.

I will be bringing together a group of 6 women to experience a beautiful Emersion Day. We will gather together to meditate, to journal, to release and to heal our Ancestral emotion patterns around change and beginnings. Making choices. We will be letting go. To release the energy of fear that sits within the sacral chakra. 

Join me for four hours of deep energetic and release work. Only 6 places available.

Your Investment: £120 (afternoon tea included)

Please wear comfortable clothing as we will be lying down and sitting for most of this day.

Only 2 places left. 

17th February 2022 - 12-4pm


On the 17th February, I will be creating space for 6 women to come together to work with the planetary influences, to experience and Ancestral clearing and the re-aligning for peace, love and letting go of past relationship fears, ours and our ancestors.

Join me for four hours of deep healing energy work as we release and re-align all the emotional based Miasma DNA sat within the Heart Chakra and DNA connected to ‘love’ that is holding us back in our lives. 

Only 6 places.

Your investment £120 (includes afternoon tea)

8th April 12 - 4pm

On the 8th April, I will be creating space for 6 women to come together to work with the planetary influences of Jupiter and Uranus, to experience and Ancestral clearing and the re-aligning for peace, healing and letting go of maternal fear.

Join me for four hours of deep healing energy work as we release and re-align all the emotional based Miasma DNA sat within the Solar Plexus Chakra and DNA connected to our ‘mother love’ that is holding us back in our lives. 

Only 6 places.

Your investment £120 (includes afternoon tea)

August 6th 2022 10am - 3pm


The Lion’s Gate portal is a yearly event where a dynamic portal is created between the Earth and Sirus, the brightest star in the sky.

This portal takes place during the time of Leo, which is heart-centred, self-love, and empowerment energies.
During this time, we receive light code activations that awaken us and align us with our potential. Light codes of ascension, soul mastery, and divine potential are released and sent toward planet Earth.
I am creating space for just 12 ladies to connect with the lionsgate energy and each other, as we come together to align, to empower and embrace this energy.
This will be a day of coaching, meditating, healing and activation.
Only 9 places left

Monday 22nd November 10am - Base Miasma

I will be bringing together a group of 6 women to experience a beautiful Emersion Day. We will gather together to meditate, to journal, to release and to heal our Ancestral fears around success, good fortune and abundance. To release the energy of scarcity that sits within the base chakra. Embracing the connection between spirituality and abundance.

Join me for four hours of deep energetic and release work. Only 6 places available.

Your Investment: £120 (lunch included)

Please wear comfortable clothing as we will be lying down and sitting for most of this day. 


This is for you if … 
  • Despite years of personal development you are always being pulled back to old patterns. 
  • You have walked away from numerous mentally and emotionally abusive relationships.
  • You have been a lightworker for years but now the New World is asking for a new YOU!
  • The women in your family have had a history of poverty, abuse, lack.
  • You feel as if everything in your world is shifting.
  • You have or are struggling with addiction to love and acceptance.
  • Your family has generations of illness and disease.
  • You are aware of trauma in your family and know it holds you back.
  • You feel so separate, disconnected and alone in this world, even though you know you are part of the whole.
  • You are a healer and know that you need to shift in order for your work to shift.

‘Fantastic afternoon session. Great to meet other like minded people and share thoughts etc.
As ever Samantha’s guidance and explanation through the session was so powerful and feel blessed I have this information.’ Laura C

Is it time to invest in your happiness too?