About me

In my darkest hour, I hugged my pregnant belly and cried into the darkness of the night wanting my life to end for I had no life to give the baby inside me. Single, unemployed and 24 hours off being made homeless, I truly wanted to die. My ego would not allow me to reach out and ask for help but as I asked the Universe to help me, it did, not by ending my life but instead by letting it begin! This was my spiritual awakening! 

The start of a journey that has progressed over time, showing me the importance of letting go, healing and that karmic patterns do indeed play out in our lives and even our parallel lives.

The start of a journey that has progressed over time, showing me the importance of letting go, healing and that karmic patterns do indeed play out in our lives and even our parallel lives.

Fast forward to 2018 and Spirit again took me on a journey through my healing work and mediumship combining to develop my work into Trance Healing. Bringing through many beings from many realms or parallel worlds. Connecting regularly with my Spiritual Council, about the clearing work that I was to be involved in. 

Now fast forward again to 2021, after two weeks of connecting with a new Guide, a Galactic Being, or Alien as many would claim, with many visions and channellings taking place, I then found myself in the middle of a crop circle, whilst recording, an episode for ‘The Angel and The Exorcist Show’.  I still have no memory of driving home from filming that day! I slept for most of the weekend and then the downloads began. Channellings and downloads about my new path in the new world. A world of clearing darkness across all the dimensions of my clients. How? Through the clearing and reprogramming of the DNA coding and Ancestral patterning, my clients were carrying into this lifetime.  The release of Ancestral Miasma DNA. 

I feel so humble about being part of this work, the clearing for ascension. I am blessed that my abilities allow me to enter your world in this lifetime, past lifetimes, and future lifetimes, to shift the darkness that held your Ancestors back, that is buried deep within their souls and yours. 

It also means I am able to tap into the real root of the cause of your anxiety or block so we can shift it fast. Healing the body, mind, and soul so that a re-alignment can occur. We get you back on your way to being the real you. The YOU, you came here to be, not the you, you have become as a result of your life experiences.